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6 new books with the word "Vancouver" in the title

This year there will be no shortage of new releases for people on your holiday gift list who love to read about Vancouver.
This year there will be no shortage of new releases for people on your holiday gift list who love to read about Vancouver. From the wonderful picture book that is "Vancouver Light" by David Nunuk to the meticulously researched, for-history-buffs-only "Sensational Vancouver" by Eve Lazarus, below are a few of a fairly wide range of Vancouver-themed (and named!) books that have shown up at our office over the past couple of months and which we recommend gifting. Last year our history book, Vancouver Was Awesome by Lani Russwurm, was one of the locally-themed new releases. It made it to number 3 on the BC Bestsellers List and, as you can imagine, it's absolutely timeless as all of the stories in it took place decades ago. It's still available in most of the bookstores around the city (from Chapters to Pulp Fiction), and it too makes a great gift. vancouver-was-awesome