In the lead up to ROVE (the free Mount Pleasant art walk coming up on May 25), we are going to introduce to you to some of the artists, galleries and curated spaces that will be taking part! Today we are excited to talk about The James Black Gallery, a returning gallery in ROVE!
The James Black Gallery last year open for ROVERS
The James Black Gallery is dedicated to artists showing their work without having to pay a percentage out to the gallery. Artists-in-residence show their work, curate, and run the space. The JBG is located in a heritage building in Mount Pleasant (est. 1889) and their focus is to provide emerging artists a location in which they can practice presentation and experiment with ideas.
We’ve asked them some question so we can get to know them a little better!
ROVE: Describe the work that is showcased at your gallery in a few sentences?
James Black Gallery: We showcase work by emerging local artists, specifically allowing them to experiment within interdisciplinary means. This means you'll get installations, paintings, or ceramics all in one space.
Installation piece by artist Zandi Dandizette
ROVE: What can Rovers expect when visiting this location?
JBG: Expect the unexpected.
ROVE: What’s the best thing about running James Black Gallery?
JBG: The variety of one-of-a-kind experiences and the freedom to make anything happen. Its
ROVE: What artist (alive or dead) would you like to showcase at the gallery?
JBG: Pip n Pop, they make such happy bright and colorful installations with sugar. Almost like mandalas because afterwards its gone. Or Sebastian Masuda creator of 6% Doki Doki.
Always something unexpected to find at The James Black Gallery
ROVE: What's the weirdest thing that’s ever happen in your gallery?
JBG: Ahhh, was it the live streamed show with artists around the world watching, and a BDSM sound performance piece? Or was it while there was someone tattooing their entire hand, or the ballpit bus? Kind of hard to pick just one!
ROVE: Where’s your favorite place to see art?
JBG: Honestly, I loved Miami Art Basel. You get snooty high art, Burning man installations, and emerging artist works all in one place. Otherwise The Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
ROVE: Who are the artist that will be showcased when ROVERS come by?
JBG: Zandi Dandizette, Kasia Laczny, Marika Vandekraats, Tangiene Martin Ohara, Odera Igbokwe, Kathryn Wadel, Robin Lough, Tessa Reed, Marissa Diamond, Jodi Muzylowski, Eden Cooke, Mary Kim, Jessica Hill, Jillian Justine Brooks, Tousy
Expect with unexpected and visit James Black Gallery at ROVE on May 25th.
ROVE is organized by THRIVE Art Studio- run by and for female artists as well as non-binary and genderfluid artists. THRIVE Mastermind is a community of visual artists who meet monthly and provide each other with support, accountability and motivation. Stay connected to ROVE by finding us on Instagram, Facebook.
Vancouver Is Awesome is a proud sponsor of ROVE, the free Mount Pleasant Art Walk.