READ ALSO: Vancouver massage therapist/singer Bodhi Jones charged with sexually assaulting clients
Bodhi Jones. Photo supplied
As we reported earlier today former Vancouver massage therapist Bodhi Jones (whom you may know as a singer-songwriter) has been charged with sexually assaulting some of his clients. He operated a business out of 1764 West 7th Ave, and police are asking for anyone who may have been assaulted by him to reach out.
Jones has not responded to us for comment.
Since this morning, he has turned his Twitter account to Protected status. When we viewed it earlier we learned that he claimed to be living in California and uses the platform mostly as a way to broadcast anti-Trump messaging, including a song he wrote.
His Facebook Page that was previously used to promote his music has since been deactivated. Before it went dark we were able to screen capture the post below, which includes ominous comments from his fans.
In this 2014 post he announced that he was studying to become a Registered Massage Therapist, and that he was then only able to give "Swedish-Relaxation" massage.
The first comment was requesting that he "serenade" the person while giving massage. Other fans mentioned that there would be a "line up of ladies" for his services.
The College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (which Jones resigned from in 2017 due to an investigation into his conduct) exists to promote "Safe and Effective Health Care".
In their Code of Ethics they note that RMTs are not to "sexualize the treatment environment or the therapeutic relationship through words, touch, or any other form of explicit or implicit sexual conduct (which constitutes sexual misconduct), or to permit a patient to do so".
Nothing has been proven in court but the allegations are that Jones stepped way over the line of professional misconduct and into sexual assault territory, on multiple clients.
We'll keep you updated on this story.
FROM THE EDITOR: We've had some comments about this piece, saying it cheapens and/or trivializes the story. My intention with sharing the Facebook post as well as information about Jones' Twitter account were multi-pronged. One reason was that Jones went dark and deleted/turned private his social accounts this morning before most media were at work. I got in early, jumped on the story and screen grabbed a bunch of things which could give people a better understanding of it. It wasn't meant to cast shade on the women who left those comments, but to show the power dynamic that may have existed between Jones and his clients, and shine a light on how he may have (allegedly) used that to his advantage to (allegedly) sexually assault clients. - Bob Kronbauer