This listing was flagged for removal on Craigslist, and has all the markings of a copy-cat prank posting. Here's our explanation, and apology: Let's be frank: We were weenies for falling for the Wienermobile prank
Vancouver Craigslist
There’s never a shortage of crazy things on Craigslist in the Lower Mainland, and right now is no exception to the strangeness.
For a cool $7000 you could be the proud new owner of one very spiffy Oscar Mayer 'wiener mobile.' Not only does this flashy vehicle come equipped with a giant wiener on its top half, but the bottom also resembles a hot-dog bun - it is a truly hilarious work of art.
Vancouver Craigslist
What's more, the owner states that they were hoping to transform the vehicle into a camper. Roasting hot-dogs over the campfire by the ol' wiener mobile, anyone?
The seller also notes that the 1991 vehicle starts and runs well, and that their uncle purchased it at an auction. Now, the orange-and-yellow showstopper waits in Mission for its next owner.
Vancouver Craigslist
Vancouver Is Awesome contacted the owner for more information and have not heard back from them.
Visit the posting here.