The 40th annual Coho Festival will celebrate the Year of the Salmon on September 8, 2019.
Photo: Coho Society
Whether you enjoy catching them, eating them, or simply learning about them, salmon hold a very special place in the heart of every British Columbian.
On September 8, the 40th Annual Coho Festival will celebrate the Year of the Salmon with environmental displays, live entertainment, an outdoor craft beer garden, and the legendary Coho Salmon barbeque.
The Coho Festival has been held the second Sunday in September since 1979, always with the intention to educate the local community about how we can best protect the fish and their environment. The festival is now primarily a fundraising event to assist North Shore stewardship groups’ efforts to rebuild, repair and maintain the habitats of salmon and other aquatic species unique to Vancouver.
It’s also a great way to enjoy a beautiful summer day at the beach.
The day starts bright and early with the 14km Coho Run and Coho Swim, which mimics the migratory patterns that Salmon have performed for millennia. The entire event takes place at Swáywi Ambleside Beach Park in West Vancouver, part of the ecosystem that forms habitat for Coho salmon on the North Shore.
Should you want to skip the festival’s more active offerings, that’s no problem! The “Save On Foods Coho Garden” features a mouthwatering salmon barbeque, craft beer and premium wine while listening to live music performed throughout the day on the Western Stevedoring/Neptune main stage. Entertainment includes Squamish Nation’s Blessing of the Salmon Ceremony, Adam Woodall Band and Doug & the Slugs closing the festival. The barbeque includes Wild Pacific Salmon, rounded out with B.C. corn on the cob and locally grown salad, skillfully prepared by notable community leaders.
Photo: Coho Society Facebook
Other festival offerings include the Seaspan Kids Zone, which is filled with fun activities for children of all ages, Tent Talks, educational displays and workshops on the theme of environmentalism and sustainability in the Stewardship Zone and the incredible Squamish Nation Village, a festival highlight that exemplifies the unique traditions of the Squamish Nation, including their interconnections and relationship to the salmon.
Coho Festival offers a genuinely amazing collection of events and activities for all ages. It’s a great opportunity to spend a day in the sun, while deepening your appreciation of this iconic fish and their environment.
When: September 8, 2019 from 11a.m. to 6p.m.
Where: Ambleside Beach Park in West Vancouver
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