Get your glow on!
Bike the Night takes place this Saturday in the heart of Downtown Vancouver and offers thousands of cyclists the opportunity to ride in style after dark.
Presented by MEC, the fourth annual event is the province's largest of its kind, drawing over 5,000 riders on an epic ten kilometre journey through open city streets. The party starts and ends at Sunset Beach, and the Burrard Street Bridge will also be closed for the ride.
The event will offer music, food trucks, live entertainment and the Vancouver International Airport will be giving away thousands of MEC rechargeable lights and other decorations. Riders are also encouraged to rock glowing enhancements on their bodies and bikes such as lights, reflectors, and stickers, as the organizers hope to make the parade a luminous affair. Customers are encouraged.
The pre-party begins at 6 p.m. at Sunset Beach where participants may enjoy tunes, games, food trucks, ping pong and awesome giveaways. Stretch Vancouver will be offering a 'Yoga for Cyclists' session. The ride commences at 7:45 p.m. for families, kids, slower riders, and other riders will start at 8 p.m.
Bike the Night presented by MEC
When: Saturday, Sept. 7 from 6 - 9 p.m.
Where: Pre party at Sunset Beach Park - Beach Ave and Bute Street, Vancouver
Cost: $20 tickets | $5 student special | Youth 16 and under ride free
All registered participants will also be entered to win a $500 gift card to MEC.
Find out more information and register for the ride here.