BC Hydro has announced a plan to help customers struggling to pay their bills because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In what the public utility is calling the COVID-19 Customer Assistance Program, customers will have the option to defer bill payments or arrange flexible payment plans without a penalty.
Anyone facing “temporary financial hardship and possible disconnection of their service due to job loss, illness, or loss of a family member may also be eligible for BC Hydro’s Customer Crisis Fund,” a BC Hydro spokesperson said in a press release Friday.
The crisis fund offers access to grants going up to $600 to help pay bills.
BC Hydro president and CEO Chris O’Riley noted that some customers might receive higher electricity bills in the coming months as people spend more time at home.
You can call BC Hydro’s customer team at 1-800-224-9376 to discuss bill payment options.
Like many workplaces and public spaces across the province, the public utility has isolated key locations — like its control centre — where its workforce gathers to try to maximize social distancing measures.
Its pandemic control measures also include increased cleaning at all BC Hydro facilities, temporarily closing its walk-in customer service desks and indefinitely suspending all non-essential business travel, public meetings and site tours.
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