A shocking discovering was made on Christmas Eve at the end of Smoker Road in Beaverdell – the gruesome coat of what is believed to be a bear cub.
Residents found the remains spread out on the road after the animal had been skinned and left.
“It’s heartbreaking that we are surrounded by wildlife yet some choose to make such cruel decisions,” Jordyn Leigh wrote on The Beaverdell/Carmi Post-Its Facebook page after making the discovery.
Leigh says the kill was fresh when she found it.
It is so far unclear if conservation officers have investigated the incident.
B.C. hunting regulations state open season for black bear hunting ended Nov. 30. Killing a black bear after that date, or any black bear under two years of age, is illegal.
People from the Facebook group are seeking video surveillance footage to help identify potential offenders.
Castanet has reached out to the B.C. Conservation Officer Service for more information.
- Laura Brookes / Castanet
Warning the photo below contains disturbing, highly graphic content.