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Horgan promises four new MRIs for Lower Mainland hospitals

The announcement coincided with a release that claimed BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson has supported $3 billion in tax breaks for the wealthy over the last three years
B.C. Premier John Horgan
BC NDP leader John Horgan announced outside of Victoria's Royal Jubilee Hospital a promise to purchase four new MRI machines if re-elected

BC NDP leader John Horgan has committed to invest in four magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, if re-elected to serve B.C. as premier. 

The investment follows eight new machines purchased by the NDP while in power, which the party says have helped cut B.C. MRI wait times in half. The four new machines would go to St. Paul's, Vancouver General, Ridge Meadows and Langley Memorial.

Horgan made the announcement outside of the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, which received one of the eight new MRIs.

“Ensuring British Columbians have faster access to quality health care has never been more important,” said Horgan in a news release issued Monday.

“Andrew Wilkinson’s plan to hand the wealthy and the well-connected a big tax giveaway would mean fewer resources for hospitals and longer wait times for people. Those are the wrong priorities, especially right now.”

The announcement Monday coincided with a BC NDP release that claimed BC Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson has supported $3 billion in tax breaks for the "wealthy and well-connected" over the last three years. 

As evidence, the release tallied the tax revenue from tax policies opposed by the BC Liberals, including B.C.'s speculation and vacancy tax, the enhanced school tax on homes over $3 million, personal income taxes on high income earners, higher corporate taxes and the employer health tax.

On Monday, the BC Liberals announced they would immediately eliminate the provincial sales tax (PST) for a year, and cut it by 3% the year after, if elected.

“Everybody pays the PST, so everybody saves under the BC Liberal plan,” said Wilkinson in a release.

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