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New daily COVID-19 cases ticking up in B.C.

Health officials warn of potential community exposure to COVID-19 in Kelowna
COVID-19 swab
Health officials say anyone who attended events where community exposure is possible should get tested

New daily cases of COVID-19 in B.C. have been ticking up in recent days, and there have been a number of potential community exposure events.

Over the last couple of weeks, daily numbers have sometimes been in the single digits. But over the last three days, since Friday, there have been an average of 20 to 21 new cases per day: 62 in total since Friday.

That brings the total confirmed cases to 3,115. Of that number, 51 are non-residents who live outside of Canada but are currently in B.C. Although public health officials aren't saying where these non-residents are from, it is likely that some are temporary foreign farm workers, as there have been outbreaks at a number of farms in B.C.

There have been two deaths since Friday attributed to COVID-19. While there have been no new community outbreaks in long-term care or acute care facilities, there have been a number of community exposure events in the Okanagan.

Public health has issued an isolation order for the Krazy Cherry Fruit Co. in Oliver, where two cases have been identified at the farm. Interior Health has also issued alerts for possible community exposure events in Kelowna.

"Anyone who was at the Discovery Bay Resort from July 1 to 5 and Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge on July 1 is directed to self-isolate,” provincial health officer Bonnie Henry and B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix said in a joint release Monday, July 13.

“Anyone who was at Cactus Club on Water Street from July 3 to 6 and Pace Spin Studio on July 2, 4, 5, 7 to 9 is asked to monitor themselves and contact public health immediately to arrange to get tested should symptoms develop.

"Spending an extended period of time, even an evening together with a large number of people in an enclosed space, increases the likelihood that you will be exposed to someone with COVID-19. As much as possible, British Columbians are asked to avoid closed spaces, crowds and close contact with others.”

Here are today’s COVID-19 numbers for Monday, July 13, with numbers from Friday July 10, the last reporting period, in brackets:

New cases: 62 (25)

Total: 3,115 (3,053)

Active cases: 208 (187)

Recovered: 2,718 (2,679)

Hospitalized: 14 (16)

Intensive care: 5 (5)

Deaths: 189 (187)

Confirmed cases by region:

Vancouver Coastal Health: 1,012

Fraser Health: 1,643

Island Health: 135

Interior Health: 209

Northern Health: 65

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