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One of the best things VIA has done for me is get me out of the house….It’s gotten me to neighbourhoods I’m too lazy to check out otherwise, and it’s made me try to check every nook and crannie in my own.

One of the best things VIA has done for me is get me out of the house….It’s gotten me to neighbourhoods I’m too lazy to check out otherwise, and it’s made me try to check every nook and crannie in my own. This rather non-descript business has peaked my interest for a few weeks now. What’s the deal with this place?

First the name….Yummies Land? Not Super Yummies Bubble Wonderland, or if it were on 4th , Yummie Mummies Land….just Yummies Land. You tack on some tinted out windows, a ‘no entry under the age of 18’ sign, a couple fences, and top it all off, virtually no advertising what so ever of what they sell, to me that was the real mystery….

Well…last weekend, curiosity killed my cat and before you know it, I was opening the door secret agent style....or truckstop bathroom style….very carefully.

I was pretty much convinced I was walking into an adult bookstore or massage parlour but I was wrong. The place is a corner store! No drugs, no guns, no sex, seriously, I don’t think they even had any nudie magazines, nothing. Instead, phone cards, some cold beverages, and lots of lottery tickets. Maybe too many lottery tickets. There were six or seven old people just kinda hanging out too, looking at me as if they were asking, ‘what the hell are you doing here?’ Good question.

I suspect the abundance of lottery tickets has something to do with the age restriction, but part of me thinks they may be onto something.

Hanging out at corner stores is fun. I’m not sure if anything beats buying a slurpee, customizing your sweet bag, and sitting on the curb out front. Then doing it all again. The problem is, at some point in you become an adult and all of this becomes unacceptable. Suddenly you got to hang out at Starbucks or out for brunch. Do you ever ask yourself, ‘Why am I doing this, how did I get here?’ Well, maybe this guy did, and then decided to do something about it!

A corner store for old people, what a concept! Now you can enjoy all the excitement and enjoyment of your loitering at your local corner store, without the hassle of getting made fun of by teenagers, and the guilt of the general public. It’s almost like an exclusive club!

You know sometimes retirement alot of people, I mean will there be anything left for us? Will there be life after street hockey and skateboarding? Who knows, but when I see stuff like this, I like to think the future is going to be pretty awesome!

Just in case you think about this kinda stuff as often as I do.....
