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Children's book cover stars Baby Jesus, Mary, and Daniel Sedin

Have you seen a Sedin (or Sedin lookalike) somewhere in pop culture? Send it to us at [email protected].

Have you seen a Sedin (or Sedin lookalike) somewhere in pop culture? Send it to us at [email protected].

Far be it from me to tell Redditors how to do their job (especially since most don't have one, amirite?), but I honestly can't believe this children's book cover only found its way to the Canucks subreddit on Boxing Day. At the risk of sounding like an old carol, do they know it's Christmas? This is the pinnacle of holiday-themed content. And yet OP "Thyobear", who claims, "I've been waiting all year to post this", waited until the day after Christmas. Thyobear. Why.

Anyway. Timeliness be damned. It's too good not to post. You might remember "The Christmas Story", a classic Little Golden Book that told the tale of Mary, Joseph, The Baby Jesus, and a P.R. nightmare at a Bethlehem inn. ("I'm sorry, ma'am, I don't care if you're literally carrying the Son of God. No vancancies. You can sleep with the barn like a common animal. Deal with it. Yelp won't be invented for two thousands years.") But Mary, did you know that your husband-to-be, as far as I can gather, was Daniel Sedin? 

Daniel is Joseph

Click here for a closer look.

That's Daniel Sedin. (Although he's standing, so he could easily be confused for Henrik right now. The twin thing probably confounds too.) I don't know how it's possible, but it's Daniel. The Christmas Story was written in 1952 by Jane Werner Watson, and illustrated by "the soul of little golden books", Eloise Wilkin. Neither of these women ever met Daniel Sedin.

That we know of, anyway. I guess it's possible that the Sedins travelled back in time because they're time-travelling detectives in the offseason, and they happened to solve a crime that took them into the dark underbelly of the Little Golden Books enterprise. Wilkin did earn a degree from the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute in 1923. Chris Tanev would later attend the same school, now known as the Rochester Institutute of Technology. Maybe Tanev turned the Sedins onto an fresh new case, the twins ran into Wilkin there, and Daniel left such an indelible impression that, when it came time for Wilkins to draw Joseph, he bore a resemblance to a certain left winger?

Of course, that's a pretty convoluted explanation. Let's try a simpler explanation: Daniel Sedin looks like Joseph because he is Joseph. Maybe the Sedins travelled even further back in time, to the year zero, and wound up playing a major role in the Christmas story? Is Daniel Sedin Jesus's stepdad? Someone get us the Shroud of Turin and Maury Povich.

Or maybe Daniel just appears on things, like the virgin Mary. Which would explain why she also appears on this cover. It's a Christmas miracle!