1) The Walk for Reconciliation and Reconciliation Expo
Thousands will walk from downtown Vancouver, across the Georgia Viaduct and onwards to Strathcona Park as part of the Walk for Reconciliation. Through a united vision, participants will honour those affected by the Indian residential school system, and show support for Indigenous youth in communities across Canada.
Date: Sept. 24
Location: Downtown Vancouver
2) All You Can Eat Dumpling Parties
Vancouver’s Dumpling King is hosting an all-you-can-eat dumpling party to raise funds for Hives for Humanity, a local non-profit organization on the Downtown Eastside. Expect four nights of delicious dumplings, hip beats and great neighbourhood hangs. Dumplings will be served on a first come first serve basis until supplies last.
Date: Sept. 22, 23, 29 and 30
Location: Hives for Humanity (580 Powell St.)

3) Celebrating 30 years of Rockin’ in the Free World
Nardwuar the Human Serviette will celebrate the 30th anniversary of his CITR radio show with an on-air marathon and concert. See Nardwuar’s band the Evaporators perform live at the Hall in East Vancouver alongside a special screening of his favourite interviews from over the course of his legendary career. Doot doo!
Date: Sept. 23
Location: The Hall
(1739 Venables St.)

4) A Giant Clothing Swap
Unload clothing that no longer inspires you, pick up a few items that make you look slick and connect with your community along the way. Clothing swap events provide a great opportunity to make space in your closet while keeping clothing out of landfills.
Date: Sept. 24
Location: The Wise Hall (1882 Adanac St.)

5) The First Day of Autumn
The leaves are already starting to fall. Get outside and enjoy your remaining days of summer before sweater weather officially kicks in on Sept. 22.