When it comes to good food, few are luckier than us Vancouverites. Nestled between the teeming seas of the North Pacific and the verdant fields of the Fraser Valley, Vancouver has long had access to fresh, delicious ingredients all year long. Add to that the diversity of cultures that have come to call this corner of the world home, and you get the prefect recipe for gastronomic greatness.
But in a city with so much to offer, where does one start? Not only are we spoiled for choice, we can be overwhelmed by it.
That's why we asked our readers to tell us their favourite places to eat and drink in Vancouver, and they responded with enthusiasm!
Well, the votes have all been counted, and results are in: here, now, is your guide to the very best Vancouver culinary experiences has to offer.
Discover new favourites, celebrate all the places you know and love, but most of all, eat up!
Bon appétit!
Robert Mangelsdorf, Editor
Winner profiles
Best Chef: David Hawksworth (Hawksworth)
Best Sommelier: Jason Yamasaki (Chambar)
Best Greasy Spoon / Diner: What's Up? Hot Dog!
Best Sports Bar: Score on Davie
Best African Cuisine: Simba's Grill
Best Vegan / Vegetarian: The Acorn