Ezra Bloom is an artist, organizer, curator, critic, and student currently studying at Emily Carr. Bloom grew up on Salt Spring Island, and has spent his life surrounded by art, counter-culture and activism. He has lived in East Vancouver for eight years and is connected to Vancouver’s underground and radical arts communities.
Bloom recognizes that parks and green spaces are where many city residents spend much of their free time. The power of these places to bring people together inspires Bloom to fight to defend public space and the environment.
As a Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) Park Board Commissioner, Bloom will work to make Vancouver and its parks and recreation facilities welcoming, affordable, and enjoyable for all, and not a playground for the super-rich. If elected, Bloom will oppose the privatization of parks to keep parks public, and work to integrate arts and culture programming into parks and recreation.
Facebook: facebook.com/ezrabloomfulford
Twitter: twitter.com/EzraBloom
Website: votecope.ca