Niki is a lawyer with a passion for social justice, and serves on the Vancouver Park Board as part of the Vision team. She is seeking election to City Council this November.
Niki’s commitment to social and environmental justice led her to complete a degree in Environmental Biology and pursue a career in law. While completing her law degree, Niki worked with the Parliamentary Monitoring Group in South Africa, a group dedicated to increasing government transparency. It was here she had the opportunity to witness first hand the power of people to bring about change.
Today, Niki focuses her law practice on aboriginal law, where she defends residential school survivors and works for Band Councils across B.C. She believes that one of Canada's greatest challenges – and opportunities - is reconciling our past treatment of aboriginal people and building a path forward together. Niki is also a Board member of Battered Women Support Services, and believes that ending violence against women should be a global priority.
In 2011, Niki decided to run for Park Board, based on a passionate belief that Vancouver’s green spaces define our city, build community and support our local environment.
As a Commissioner, she has worked with her fellow Vision Vancouver commissioners and City Council to promote the goals of the Greenest City Action Plan, developing an Urban Forest Strategy for Vancouver’s parks and an environmental stewardship plan for citizens to engage in protecting our local environment. Niki has also advocated for the Park Board to voice their opposition to oil tanker expansion in Burrard Inlet, given the risks the project poses to Vancouver’s parks and beaches. She acted as Co-chair to the Local Food Task Force, an initiative to increase local food in our parks and recreational system. She is also a strong advocate for universal access and more equity in our community centre system, and served as Chair of the Park Board in 2013.
Niki, 34, was raised with her three sisters in Sparwood, B.C. – in the heart of the Rocky Mountains – by parents who emigrated from India. Niki and her husband welcomed a baby girl, Mira, to their family in September 2013. As a new mother, Niki is in awe of her daughter, and more motivated than ever to be involved in building a city that will be hers to inherit.