When it comes to keeping tabs on what’s new in the world of B.C. craft beer, it always helps to have a few beer bloggers on your Insta feed. So we’ve scoured the Interwebs to find the best accounts for you to follow. You’re welcome.
Mike’s Craft Beer
@mikescraftbeer • MikesCraftBeer.com • 2,429 followers
Mike Garson loves his beer, and he manages to post daily photos and tasting notes of what he’s drinking on his Instagram and on his blog at MikesCraftBeer.com, one of the best craft beer resources online.

@wanderbrewbc • WanderBrewBC.com • 1,786 followers
This Instagram feed is as much about the beautiful B.C. backdrops as it is the delicious B.C. craft beer, as couple Haley and Jamie document their scantily-clad adventures in their super sweet, tricked out Volkswagen Westphalia.
The Beerd Show
@thebeerdshow • TheBeerdShow.com • 1,215 followers
Kevin Singh is the host of the popular B.C. craft beer vlog at TheBeerdShow.com, and his Instagram feed features plenty of local beer, as well as shots of his truly magnificent beard. Seriously, Kevin, what are you feeding that thing? (The answer, of course, is B.C. craft beer.)
Brewtiful British Columbia
@brewtifulbritishcolumbia • BrewtifulBC.ca • 1,259 followers
Chelsea Dawn is good people and she’s been documenting the B.C. craft beer scene for the past three years from her home base in the Okanagan. She’s taken a bit of a social media break lately while she recovers from a pretty serious illness, but we’re hoping she’s back up on her feet in no time. Get well soon Chelsea! We love you!
Beertiful BC
@beertifulbc • BeertifulBC.com • 2,030 followers
Not to be confused with Brewtiful British Columbia, Vancouver photographer Corey Bradder’s Instagram account features some seriously creative, high-quality bottle shots. This guy is a pro.
Sea to Sky Beer Guy
@seatoskybeerguy • SeaToSkyBeerGuy.com • 870 followers
Squamish-based Malcolm Yates is the beer blogger and podcaster behind this growing Instagram account.
Craft Beer Tourist
@crafttourist • CraftBeerTourist.com • 17,700 followers
Tim LaHay loves to hike and he loves B.C. craft beer, and his two loves combine to make for some pretty striking photography.

The Flying Beer Girl
@theflyingbeergirl • 2,277 followers
Alex is a former globe-trotting flight attendant, and a current Vancouver-based cicerone with a whole lotta love for B.C. beer. Warning: following her account will make you super envious of her jet-setting, beer-soaked life!
BC Beer Boy
@bcbeerboy • 1,783 followers
Iain Warren is a student in the brewing program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and, despite the fact that he lives in a van, he still manages to homebrew, or “nohomebrew” as he calls it.

Beer Me BC
@beermebc • BeerMeBC.com • 3,168 followers
Dustan Sept’s day job at Central City Brewing and Distilling keeps him pretty busy these days, so he hasn’t been posting as much as I’d personally like him to. But I forgive him.
B.C. Craft Breweries
@BCCraftBreweries • 11,800 followers
Tons of B.C. craft beer news and content; also helped spearhead the #BCCraftCares fundraising effort this past summer that raised more than $14,000 for charity.
Hoppa Fett
@hoppa_fett • 2,394 followers
So. Many. Beers. Seriously James, do you ever sleep?
A Girl Named Jake
@girlnamedjake • ForTheLoveOfCraftBeer.com • 19,300 followers
Jake Clark is a craft beer industry consultant and she might have the most followers of any B.C. craft beer Instagrammer by following simple but effective formula: exciting beers and eye-popping photography. You just want to reach out and grab those beers!
YVR Beer
@yvrbeer • 1,973 followers
All the best beer from right here. New releases and bottles shots a couple times a week.
Brews Babes Banny
@brewsbabesbanny • BrewsBabesBanny.com • 8,595 followers
Banny’s feed is “a little sexy and a lot of beer,” featuring new B.C. releases and craft beer classics from across the continent.
Craft Beer Bella
@craftbeerbella • 1,048 followers
Kitty cats and B.C. craft beer together at last! If Jordan Strilaiff isn’t careful, he might just blow up the Internet.

The Growler
@thegrowlerbc • TheGrowler.ca • 6,860 followers
SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION ALERT! But seriously, if you’re not following us already, get with it! We’re awesome!