Peacemakers will thrive in 2015. Aggressors will initially win, then later fail in some important area. Cyber wars will proliferate until late 2018, then subside. Hackers ride a white horse.
Last July I advised getting out of the stock market. By November, Canada’s biggest exchange was down 1,500 points; the Venture Exchange dropped by 33 per cent. Both recovered somewhat recently. I’d stay out. World-wide, economies should improve to June, followed by mixed signals June to September – then down, down for a year. Strong deflation/inflation fears could throw everything awry. The U.S. initially continues the expansion I forecast in 2012. China slowly emerges from its slowdown.
2015 is an “8” year, hinting that many changes will occur, especially in financial structures and reservoirs, sexual mores, health and high tech research. Pregnancies rise. Research yields more gems than usual. A major disease will be cured. Scorpio actors will gain prominence. A great financier dies. “Mass death” somewhere. ISIS will not win; the Coalition will not win. ISIS’s territorial “luck” will cease after August. Bad karma grips countries beginning with R or A. Obama becomes more popular. (If the Canadian election is held October 19, Trudeau wins.)
Whereas 2014 was a time of new horizons and confrontations (Ukraine, ISIS) 2015 will bring secrecy and power plays. We’ll grow deeper, more contemplative.
The struggle between hierarchies and revolutionaries continues until late 2018; after this, hierarchies prevail. Women will experience, world-wide, better earnings and shopping power in 2015. They might gain property rights in some countries.
We should avoid starting any new, significant projects or relationships from January 21 to February 11, May 18 to June 11, and Sept. 17 to Oct. 9.
March 21-April 19
2015 begins with huge luck in romance, creativity, speculation, teaching and pleasure pursuits. You could meet your true — and marriageable — love. Married folk rekindle flames and delight in children.
Two years of “restricted” growth in your finances or investments end. You finally pay off a burdensome debt. All year a new, sober, slow note of practicality colours your intellectual and far travel sector — plod onward. Diplomas, passports point to an upward career path.
January/February bring light, friendly romance. Ignore something-for-nothing temptations. Your magnetism glows March/April. Money will flow to you like a river in April and May. Bank it or pay down debts — or weep.
Your home and family draw you in July. Don’t begin co-habiting with anyone late June to Aug. 8.
August is spectacularly pleasure-filled, romantic, and creative. For success, ignore your own needs, emphasize another’s. By late summer a wave of work swells toward you. Take your chores seriously right into summer 2016 — they’re a doorway to success. November favours financial actions, investments and sexual intimacy. December brings you and another deeply closer.
April 20-May 20
2015 offers you tremendous opportunities, Taurus — the kind that lives are built on. Until mid-August, you ride a wave of good luck in real estate, nurturing and raising kids, renovating, etc. This is a splendid time to heal family wounds, to find a calm, secure center, a soul peace in yourself. Meditation, yoga, counselling or contemplation help. Take naps. It’s your best year in 13 to purchase a new home.
From late August into late 2016, your romantic, creative and risk-taking side awakens. You’ll ride a winning streak! You might begin a heart-pounding affair, a good one. (Sexual intimacy, though, will come after a wait — be patient, loyal.) The last two-three years of “grey quietude” in relationships lifts now.
Your dealings with government and other administrations continue to be problematical through November. The best way out of any difficulty here is passivity. Your social circle continues to expand for the entire decade ahead. Best times for romance: January/Feb. (with a social contact) April/May (when your magnetism surges) September (an old flame?) and late October, early November.
May 21-June 20
The first eight months of 2015 keep you happily busy with errands, communications and travel. Be curious, explore. A place you visit might later become your home. A friendly, casual romance could turn to marriage. A new note enters relationships, now to 2017. You’ll harmonize with people older or younger. Relationships will be more sexual, yet develop more slowly — and loyalty will be demanded. A financial partnership looms.
January/February bring a sexy and intelligent old flame. April creates social meetings, but your assertiveness ebbs — avoid a clandestine affair. Late May into June your magnetism soars; again, an old flame/friend might draw you. August brings sweet indecision.
September onward (to autumn 2016) brings a splendid domestic luck — buy and/or sell a home, give birth, repair the house, plan the kids’ futures, start a retirement program, and heal any family ghosts. Don’t buy or move into a new home from late September to mid-November. December brings intense relationships: a romantic wave could carry you into a commitment.
2012-14’s heavy burden of chores has ended: the future’s lighter!
June 21-July 22
Your income swells until September (despite January to early April’s slowdown). Start new earnings projects April through mid-May. Strive to put yourself on a new wage plateau rather than accepting overtime pay.
From mid-August into 2016, you grow restless, want to travel, visit, read, talk. You’ll find “treasure” if you follow your curiosity. This is a great period to re-organize your files, re-arrange office systems, buy a new phone or computer, car or travel tickets.
Last year’s romantic restrictions dissolve in 2015. Through August, sensual, friendly attractions become sexual quickly but these might later grow burdensome and boring. After August, you attract a “soul friend,” perhaps a compatible, happy lover. A precise, solid, practical person could draw you this autumn — this relationship can take off like a rocket. November lights romantic fires.
Do not begin to co-habit with anyone from early November to the end of December. You might change jobs or “rebuild” a job in late 2015. All year, your home life is favoured over your career — be cautious and agreeable on the latter front.
July 23-August 22
You start 2015 with a sassy, confident, lucky streak! Self-expression, romance, gambling and creative urges visit you from January to August. Stretch your boundaries!
However, 2015 also starts a three-year “sober” influence in romance and creativity; adoration will blend with responsibilities. Loyalty is essential. You might fall madly in love with someone who is significantly older or younger. It’s a superb year to teach or raise children. Your home life has been cold and sparse the last two years: that’s over.
International travel, intellectual, cultural, legal and media interests balloon the first eight months. Beware elusive, pie-in-sky goals here.
September into 2016, a money horn blows your way. Seek a pay raise, increase your clients, sell unwanted items — you’ll profit hugely! Don’t spend that gob of money in October — big bills need paying.
An old flame might return in January/February (marriage potential) mid-May to mid-June (flirty, happy romance) or mid-September to mid-October (light, talkative “love”).
Don’t wed before December — nor sign any contracts, nor start a lawsuit. A December wedding promises a happy, prosperous home, princely kids.
August 23-September 22
Through mid-August, your private life is blessed, but your luck in the outside, bustling world is a bit dim. A cheerful, healthy light shines into dark corners — dig up and dissolve old ghosts and fears. Your dealings will expand with charities, institutions and civil servants. The government has deep pockets — apply.
By late August, you enter the luckiest year in a decade! But it needs patience. Personal buoyancy will be balanced by a sober, realistic atmosphere in your domestic scene, real estate and all food/shelter zones. Wait until December onward to invest. A home you buy this month or in 2016 will bless you and will change your life! You might change jobs, particularly in October.
Your romantic prowess is strong all decade. You’re fascinated with a new type of elusive, gentle person. He/she shows in March. Avoid lust until mid-November.
In May, a social or intellectual contact might trigger profound thoughts and gentle feelings. Your magnetism rises September/October — don’t let it saddle you with a relationship you don’t really want. November’s friendly. December “moves” you.
September 23-October 22
Your popularity soars for the first eight months. After this, four months of quietude ensue. All year, excepting December, make no unbreakable commitments, sign nothing, promise little, be independent. This is a poor time to marry or form business partnerships. But do join new groups, clubs — you’ll be excited, happy, social and flirtatious January to August.
Mid-August onward, retreat softly, contemplate, plan, meditate, open yourself to spirit, be charitable and interface with civil servants.
Communications and short travel grow tedious until 2017.
Take elocution/toastmaster classes if you’re in sales or teaching. Your domestic situation continues to slowly transform until 2024. This can strain marriage and business partnerships, especially in January, April, July and October. Be compassionate and encouraging toward your mate — but don’t follow his/her plans.
Old flames appear in February, June and October. January’s siren is a door to disaster. February’s sweetly affectionate. In June, someone turns you on mentally. Celebrate with comrades in August.
In October, your charisma might draw you into a difficult moral situation. Your magnetism glows but your heart wanders November/December.
October 23-November 21
2015 lays a crown of accomplishment on you, Scorpio, at least through August. Your business and career ambitions meet with approval from higher-ups, your reputation grows, you rub shoulders with influential people. This is the best year in a decade to seek a promotion, especially in April (careful, don’t expand your work, just your position) June, and August. All year, delegate tasks: avoid hands-on work.
In mid-August you enter a year of celebration, good times, popularity, optimism, and light romance. You’ve been sober, serious the last three years. From 2015 to 2017 your buoyancy, your sense of humor returns. But this same interval, to 2017, counsels fiscal caution — your expenses might increase or your actual income decrease.
2009 to 2025 marks the greatest love period of your life. Sooner or later, every Scorpio will be smitten! Romantic urges intensify mid-January through March. May brings “mate” vibes, while June nudges you into intimate situations. July brings gentle, understanding love: your amour is assertive, impatient. September’s filled with friends.
Your magnetism rises November/December; someone thinks you’re extremely desirable.
November 22-December 21
2015 will be one of your best years in a decade. Until mid-August, your intellectual and cultural instincts create success at school, in law, through international travel or publishing. For singles, love is almost assured. Friendly romance will sail along, even to marriage vows, while infatuation could twist down disappointing alleys.
You will be more sober and serious throughout 2015, about aging, retirement, security, earnings, and all practical things. Take care of your teeth, gums, bones, knees and skin. Parents and teachers/profs will admire your new maturity. You will grow serious about money; through hard work, your earnings could start a three-year climb. This process gets a big boost from mid-August into autumn 2016 as your career swells with good luck and favour from higher-ups.
Love flares in April, but a subtle trap might lurk. You might marry — or totally reject — one you meet this May/June. In August, love has the whisper of wedding bells. October brings happy, flirty friends — ditto December, when your magnetism soars. An old flame tends to appear whenever you’re romantic.
December 22-January 19
Until late August, your financial and investment luck soars to a decade high. Remember the phrase “opportunity in crisis” — especially in January, May and July. Research, look beneath surfaces — some gems lie hidden.
Physical gratification is abundant these first eight months. Avoid extra-marital lures. Pregnancy blesses young couples but births are luckier after November and in 2016. Don’t buy a home, nor start living with anyone new, before mid-November. September offers a powerful mental and sexual attraction — make sure everyone’s free to commit. November’s flirty and friendly — a sweet, ambitious person could capture your heart.
Your career is blessed all year: make decisions, start projects, even change careers, if you like. From 2009 to 2024, your social circle and your life goals slowly change — a new, better future awaits! The three years ahead shelter you from bad luck.
By September onward, a mellow mood brings light and understanding. You might travel afar, enter school, wed, grab an intellectual position, or win a lawsuit. (Avoid a lawsuit late September to early November, though; you’d lose it.)
January 20-February 18
Other people open the door to success this year, Aquarius. Until August, you’ll deal with people openly and eagerly. Grab opportunities — many exist. All year, be profound rather than casual. Wed, rather than be friends. Get a signed contract. Travel internationally, rather than locally. Relocation, negotiations, dealings with the public, fame — all blessed!
If you’re married, 2015 holds a special adventure. If unhappy, you’ll break free. If single, you’ll meet a true life mate before September, especially in February when your charisma’s high; June, when sweet, innocent romance swells; and August. An old flame appears again and again.
September onward, your luck soars in sexual, financial and research zones. In November, lust turns to love — or to reprobation .You can make one of the best investments of your life this autumn/winter. (Keyword: “cheap.”)
Grow serious about your life’s goals now through 2017. You’ll succeed if these involve government, institutions, warehouses, manufacturing or management. You’ll befriend significantly older or younger people. Your popularity might ebb temporarily, but you need “quiet time” to handle all the commitments you’ve embraced.
February 19-March 20
2015 begins with major chores and minor health concerns. You are now on a three-year path to slowly and solidly achieve your biggest career and status goals. You’ll have to shoulder heavy responsibilities and live up to them — but you will! Your efforts pay off with increased earnings in March and a possible promotion in December.
By late August (onward into 2016) many opportunities arrive. These will come from others, so be personable, eager and co-operative. Chances abound to relocate, deal with the public, enter business/career doors, and to marry or co-habit. If seeking a home for your heart anytime now to 2024, join social groups, clubs, political parties, etc.
January to March offers a light, flirty affair. An affectionate, casual friend appears in May. Passion glows in July. A co-worker tempts in September/October. Reject an assertive, lustful person; accept one who’s gentle, practical, helpful. (Though the two might be one.) Mating vibes are growing now. November offers weddings — maybe yours — and cultural rituals. You enter 2015 with a workday frown, you exit with a smile!