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Blissed out on oceans

If the women doing the downward beluga didnt know this before Eoin Finns yoga class at the Vancouver Aquarium on Friday, they certainly did afterwards we are all connected to the ocean.

If the women doing the downward beluga didnt know this before Eoin Finns yoga class at the Vancouver Aquarium on Friday, they certainly did afterwards we are all connected to the ocean.

As the aquariums resident whales swam in the tank behind him, the Tofino-based blissologist took the World Oceans Day celebrants through a series of moves like no others.

If we walk around with a sense of gratitude and awe for the ocean, then we can protect it, he told them as the early morning class go underway. We came out of the ocean, so were going to do an evolutionary journey.

He had them imagining they were single-cell creatures rising from the primordial soup before they fished it up with a little fish dance.

What kind of fish stays in one place? Farm fish so get moving!

Next up was emulation of worms trying to make their way along the ground and then graduating to lizards. In lizard land, Finn said, if your bum is higher than anyone elses then youll get eaten so keep your bum down!

And so it went until blissed out on yoga and feeling a few more muscles than they had before the class started, the 80 participants enjoyed a breakfast from Choices Markets.

At times funny, at times inspiring, and at all times surprising and delightful, Finn was able to mix his enthusiasm for life, yoga and the ocean into what one woman said was the craziest class Ive ever taken.

Finn says the pairing of yoga with World Oceans Day was perfect. What the yogis are saying is that there is a force that binds us all together. Ecologists say that, too. Yogis say there is a place inside of me that bows to you and the ecologists say that, too.

For him, there cant be life, let alone happiness, without the oceans. He and his wife Insiya Rasiwala-Finn live on the ocean on Vancouver Island and hes out every day on his surfboard. If Im in the city too long I lose my superpowers. Its my kyrptonite. I have to live by the ocean.

If you missed the class, Finn will also be leading workshops at Wanderlust in Whistler in August.