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Lifetime - Green kitchen

Saving food - and money
Lifetime kitchen
Cassandra Anderton suggests making soup stock from food scraps as a way to eat healthy and save money.

We’ve done well in the Lower Mainland with our recent Green Bin food scrap composting program, which has raised awareness about food waste. Reducing this waste not only helps the planet, but helps you save money and time. As the cost of food is rapidly rising, it’s even more important to waste not, want not.
Some tips for saving food and money:
• Make a shopping list so you only buy what you need.
• Store food properly in appropriate containers that are easy to identify and survey your fridge every few days for items that need immediate attention.
• Freeze or repurpose leftovers.
Soup is great for this.
• Don’t throw out veggie food scraps (see the following recipe).
• Share – meet up with neighbours
or friends to share bulk purchases
or larger meals.
Great community programs where you can learn more about reducing food waste and enjoy food sharing can be found through your local Vancouver Food Networks ( Vancouver Food Networks are involved in everything from drop-in meals to bulk buying clubs and community gardens. They also host many educational and celebratory events year-round, all to increase food security in Vancouver. Join the newsletters of your specific network for more details.
The Waste Not, Want Not Cookbook (, published by Touchwood Books in 2015, is also an excellent resource for those wishing to cut back on food waste and reduce food costs. Author Cinda Chavich has tips on how to store and use your food efficiently and delicious recipes that minimize your grocery expenses without minimizing taste.

Cassandra Anderton, a freelance travel, food, wine and lifestyle writer and broadcaster, is the founder of, a website and blog dedicated to life in the city and beyond. Cassandra is also a member of Les Dames d’escoffier.

Soup from Veggie Scraps
Save  green parts of leeks, outer layers of onions, celery and carrot leaves, corn cobs, mushrooms stems, herb stems and clean veggie peels and odd-sized scraps.
Don’t save  anything with mould or rot and half-eaten food and be sure to leave out veggies with very strong flavours, such as broccoli, cabbage, beets and Brussels sprouts.
Save scraps in a sealed container throughout the week and store in the freezer. When you’ve got about four cups you are ready to make a stock.

Soup Stock
2 tablespoon oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, chopped
2 ribs celery, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
6 cups water
4 cup frozen veggie scraps
bay leaf
4 peppercorns
In a large pot, heat the oil on medium. Add onions, celery, garlic and carrots and cook for five minutes stirring often so they won’t stick to the pan. Add the water, frozen vegetable scraps, bay leaf and peppercorns. Cover and simmer for an hour. Pour the broth through a strainer into a large container and once cooled divide up into smaller containers for freezing or use right away.
For soup, you can add leftover grains, rice, meat, canned beans, tomatoes or frozen veggies and a dash of salt or a few herbs for an easy meal. Use as stock for flavourful rice or as a poaching liquid for proteins.