After hoarding emptied the shelves, many people are taking stock of their toilet paper.
It's a situation few expected.
Now, if you're wondering how long your meager supply will last, or, if you were one of the many who panic bought a stadium's worth of 2-ply, there's a way to find out how long you're good for (if you're regular).
"How much toilet paper?" is a simple website with one purpose. It estimates how many days you can go before restocking your supply of small, absorbent, soft sheets of paper. It also estimates whether or not you'd make it through a 14-day quarantine.
It's a fairly simple calculator, taking into account several variables. The simple version is just based on trips to the washroom per a day and how many rolls you have.
However, there's an advanced option (i.e. average wipes per trip and how many people are in your domicile). Just enter in the values, and find out how long you'll last.
The site owners remind people at the bottom: "Not everyone is able to get to a store and stock up on toilet roll. Don't be selfish."