Beers and long balls will be the order of the day at Strathcona Park Sunday when the East Vancouver Baseball League launches its inaugural home run derby.
Running 2 to 6 p.m., the competition will consist of two players from each of the league’s 10 teams vying for the distinction of being king of the dingers.
The three-round format will start with 22 competitors who’ll get five outs in the first two rounds, followed by 10 chances in the final round. The winner is crowned by way of longevity and the most long balls over the course of the day.
Though the EVBL was established in 2013, Sunday’ showcase is a first.
“It’s one of those natural things for us to do as a league,” EVBL co-founder Evan Wansbrough told the Courier. “People are always asking us ‘When’s the home run derby?’ So we’ve figured let’s just do it.”
Outside of pride, swag from Rawlings will be in the offing along with beers for the homerun victor.
Temporary fencing will be set up for the event and the hitters will be faced with clearing 280 feet in the corners or 300 feet to straightaway centre field.
“It’s fairly big but we’ve got guys who can hit farther than that,” Wansbrough said. “We expect to see a lot of homeruns on that day, which is obviously the ideal scenario.”
Details for Sunday’s event are online at