CMHC-Granville Island has issued a “call for ideas” on how the north building vacated by Emily Carr University last year should be used.
The 120,000-square-foot space will house a new arts and innovation hub. CMHC-Granville Island wants feedback from specialists in the arts, cultural, creative and business sectors.
“This is the most significant redevelopment project on Granville Island in decades and an extraordinary opportunity for new organizations to establish a presence on the island,” Lisa Ono, manager of public affairs and programming for CMHC-Granville Island, said in a press release. “By participating in the Call for Ideas, individuals and organizations will be able to help shape this new space on Granville Island.”
The creation of the hub, which will be home to a mix of arts-focused and innovative organizations as well as restaurants and services, is part of the Granville Island 2040 vision, which outlines future development on the island over the next two decades.
The Call for Ideas process aims to identify what types of organizations, businesses and activities should be included in the hub and gauge demand from prospective tenants. Feedback will be used to further refine the vision for this building as well as to help shape the criteria for the subsequent Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI).
Individuals and organizations interested in participating in the Call for Ideas process can register at:
A series of building visits and information sessions will be held over the summer to help participants prepare their ideas in advance of the submission period, which will run from Sept. 1 to 30.
The call for ideas is part of a multi-phase redevelopment plan with an EOI process scheduled for 2019 and the opening of the Hub slated for 2021.