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Vancouver Quadra MP Joyce Murray apologizes

Offensive ad with her name runs in newspaper
Joyce Murray.
Joyce Murray.

Vancouver-Quadra  MP Joyce Murray has issued an apology after a newspaper published an ad with her name and photo accompanied by text that reads: “Congratulations to all 2015 aboriginal high school graduates. Sobriety, education and hard work leads to success.”

The ad appeared in the the First Nations Drum.

Murray posted this apology on her Facebook page:

“Today I was made aware of a print advertisement published under my name, which included a completely inappropriate statement about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. I would like to apologize unreservedly for the deeply offensive language in this advertisement. I was not aware of this advertisement and did not approve of its content. However, I assume full responsibility for what has happened and I offer my most sincere apologies to all those who were offended by this comment.”