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Cracking jokes

While the Courier prides itself as a serious newspaper with its ear to the ground and finger on the pulse of every bike path squabble, community centre imbroglio, off-leash dog brouhaha and heated resident-on-developer donnybrook, we often succumb to

While the Courier prides itself as a serious newspaper with its ear to the ground and finger on the pulse of every bike path squabble, community centre imbroglio, off-leash dog brouhaha and heated resident-on-developer donnybrook, we often succumb to temptation and relinquish our tight grip on common sense to our most primal, basest urges. Namely gossiping about Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s recent admission that he has indeed taken a dance with the glass princess and smoked crack.

Sir Sweats-a-lot finally came clean Tuesday saying that, yes, he has probably smoked crack in the past year, when he was in one of his  drunken stupors, prompting thousands of Twitter users to take to the Internet and tweet out the quickest, most clever responses they could, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the death of Lou Reed last week and the announcement that the Jonas Brothers broke up, to which K&K awesomely responded: “Say it ain’t so, Jonas #nailedit.”

Back to Ford. In wake of the Internet firestorm surrounding the Toronto mayor, we were tempted to list all the unfortunate things we’ve done while in a drunken stupor — and there are many, usually involving some form of theft, a house party at a stranger’s house, a reggae band and months of regret — but hundreds of people have already beaten us to the punch. Instead, we’re going to sit back, take it all in and reflect. Mostly on the fact that Rob Ford is only 44 years old, not much older than us, but looks like a terribly unhealthy 55 year old with a heart attack or some sort of major organ shutdown in his near future. #Depressing. #JonasBros4ever.