A Good Book Drive is an annual book drive to bring stories to a new generation of readers, and support kids in need of new books. Running through the month of November, A Good Book Drive will be inspiring Vancouverites to purchase a new copy of their favorite kids’ book and deliver it to set locations throughout the city to be donated to this year’s book drive recipient, Vancouver literacy program The Writers Exchange. |
Michael Eckford, host of The Rush on Shaw TV and Rock 101, donated three books that share the common theme of adventure, exploring the world, and self discovery. Cory Ashworth, co-founder of A Good Book Drive, joined Mike on his TV show "The Rush with Mike and Fiona" to talk all things books. Watch here.
Mike tells us how Little House on the Prairie came into his life and why it had such a lasting impression on him.
Learn more about the project and where to donate by visiting agoodbookdrive.com and follow on Twitter and Facebook.