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Every day we share a single photo from our Flickr Pool shot by one of our faithful and talented readers (that’s you!) Call this a case of just too good to pass up: the classic frame-within-a-frame shot, and a nice example of one at that.

Every day we share a single photo from our Flickr Pool shot by one of our faithful and talented readers (that’s you!)

Call this a case of just too good to pass up: the classic frame-within-a-frame shot, and a nice example of one at that. Some images have a really interesting story to tell, and this photograph certainly looks like a candidate. But alas, we are kind of left to guess at just what that might be - there isn't a lot of information here. In fact, for me there are a lot of questions instead. For instance, has this old slide been rephotographed where it was originally taken? Was the slide obtained from a family member, a swap meet, found inside and old house or taken by see_sounds himself? Is that the photographer's hand holding the slide, and even if it's not why is it so dirty? Not the least of which is the question does City Photo Centre on Government Street still exist, and if so, in this day and age can they still process slide film?

Well, at least I know the answer to something: a google search turns up nothing about a City Photo Centre Limited in Victoria, and a subsequent search turns up a Roots store at 1227 Government Street. And I highly doubt that they will have anything to do with slide film.

Perhaps some stories are better left to the imagination, some questions better left unasked.. Here is Untitled.
