Our East Van cross toque. Photo Bob Kronbauer
Now available in our online store is this East Van cross toque!
It's proudly embroidered in East Vancouver, blocks from the East Van cross.
Photo Bob Kronbauer
The design is a take on Ken Lum's Monument for East Vancouver sculpture, which is itself a take on the old school East Van cross.
Built on Clark Drive for the 2010 Olympics as a public art legacy project, the "cross" had been an East Van staple for decades. Rumoured to be graffiti used by one of Vancouver's infamous "park" gangs (which you can read about in Aaron Chapman's The Last Gang In Town), today it is simply a sign of neighbourhood pride.
Our design was art directed by Rory O'Sullivan with creative direction from Andrew Samuel of St Bernadine in Chinatown.
This toque is now available for $20 in our online store HERE, and it ships from East Van.
If you'd like to save money on shipping choose the FREE PICK UP option when checking out, and you can pick it up the next day at our fulfillment facility on Clark Drive, a block from the East Van cross itself.
Photo Bob Kronbauer
Oh, and the design is also available in a t-shirt.
Have a look HERE.