Aiming to prove that alcohol isn't what makes a party fun, a sober events group is hosting a full day of booze-free raves and dance parties for their first-ever Party Safari on the UBC campus.
Party4Health is a self-proclaimed "movement and community" all about promoting "healthy partying," i.e. having a fun without having to get drunk or do drugs...or suffer the after affects of either.
In honour of World Mental Health Day on October 6, Party4Health's Party Safari will feature a series of events and talks, all offered free of charge, focused on spreading the word--and the vibe--of sober partying.
The day kicks off bright and early with a 7 a.m. "Morning Rave," that will feature a mindfulness activity and a 200-person dance party. Give your bod a rest and work out your mind at their workshops and talks focused on "partying, mental health, and mindsets."
Hit the books at the Library for the 1 pm "Silent Disco" and round out your day with the Guided Party Tour that will cover the UBC campus with substance-free dance parties at local landmarks.
Why skip the social lubricant? Well, Party4Health is all about their partiers reaping the benefits of quality interactions with fellow party people, enjoying overall well-being, and saving some money--a few things students might find appealing.
Recent events for the Vancouver group included an eclipse viewing party at Spanish Banks this August, and a Canada Day gathering that presumably subbed the Canadian Club with Canada's own maple syrup.
Tickets for the UBC Party Safari are free, but participants will need to register online ahead of time.