Take a look out your window. See how bright it is? See the cherry blossoms - in all their ruffled, pink, Instagram-able glory - weighing heavy on branches around the city? It’s spring, Vancouver! And it’s time to get outside.
Photos: Deborah Robertson
Kudos to all those who “enjoy” the outdoors through the rainy winter, heading out for morning jogs before the sun is up or donning multiple layers of gore-tex before soccer practice each sopping Tuesday night. You exist, and we’re glad that you do. For many of us, though, winter is a time of hibernation. Spring, then, is when hibernators revisit and rediscover the natural beauty of the city we live in. Here’s a suggestion for how you might start off your season:
Lynn Canyon Park is located in North Vancouver, just a short bus ride away from the seabus on the north side. In the park, you’ll find walking and hiking trails that wind through the temperate rainforest along the steep sides of Lynn Canyon and down to the water’s edge. Hemlock, douglas fir, and red cedar trees rise high above, draped with moss, while glacial waters roar past, much larger and more powerful than the name “Lynn Creek” might indicate. The two sides of the canyon are linked by a suspension bridge that - wait for it - is free to enjoy.
Besides the incredible natural beauty, Lynn Canyon provides visitors hands-on opportunities to engage with the surrounding environment. The Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre offers fascinating (and free or inexpensive) workshops for youngsters, teens, and adults year-round. Right now, you can register for a basket-making workshop, a Zen forest walk, or one of several GardenSmart events that teach teen and adult participants how to start their own chemical-free veggie gardens.
For parents visiting the Canyon with kids, the nature theatre and museum in the Centre are a big hit with little ones. For really little nature-lovers, the Ecology Centre has “Treetop Tales,” a free, drop-in storytime, every first and third Friday of the month. There are also a number of scheduled programs and summer camps that you can enrol your budding ecologists in. The whole list is available HERE.