It’s easy to write off concussions as just another minor sports injury. Like a sprain, twist or fracture, concussions are something that many athletes will endure and overcome over the course of their careers. But with severe concussions leading to long-term symptoms and an estimated 3.8 million concussions occurring each year in North America alone, what many of us consider to be a simple sports injury is quickly revealing itself as an epidemic in the making.
Fortunately, organizations like Richmond Football Club (RFC), are taking new measures to protect younger generations of athletes from having to suffer the extreme long-term side effects of concussions. The athletic club has partnered with UBC to participate in a new pilot program for concussion testing alongside Dr. Naznin Virji-Babul of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.
The new program uses brain imaging with EEG to provide more accurate assessments of concussions, allowing physicians to provide more accurate information regarding the return-to-play time of concussed athletes. This will help to ensure that each athlete has a proper recovery and help to prevent long-term symptoms such as depression, headaches, nausea, insomnia, and emotional irritability, all of which can have a negative impact on athletic performance, academic ability and relationships with family and friends.
As part of the new program, the Richmond FC and EEGlewave Inc. are offering to assess athletes of the Richmond FC before the start of the season and after any suspected concussions. The assessment involves a 5-minute EEG scan and a traditional neuropsychological test. The brain imaging will then be converted to understandable data to assist physicians in providing an accurate concussion diagnosis. Richmond FC will be subsidizing the cost of the assessments – and each player will be asked to pay only $10 for the test.
If you’d like to participate in the new program, or receive more information on the initiative, visit the Richmond FC website, HERE.