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Scene and Heard: Last Week In Music Vol. 147 ft. Colin Cowan, Fine Times, Rain City Chronicles, Rob Butterfield, BESTiE

SCENE AND HEARD showcases the independent music scene here in Vancouver. We post weekly guest playlists comprised of Vancouver artists and ‘Last Week in Music’ highlights some of the best concerts happening around the city... Great week, great shows.

sceneandheard SCENE AND HEARD showcases the independent music scene here in Vancouver. We post weekly guest playlists comprised of Vancouver artists and ‘Last Week in Music’ highlights some of the best concerts happening around the city...

Great week, great shows. I hope you didn't miss them! Make sure you check out what is up with:

THIS WEEK IN MUSIC: lots of bands are making their way to Toronto for CMW, but there are still a few shows you can catch! Be sure to check out the MusicBC fundraiser ft Tough Lovers, Good For Grapes, and Chimpanzebras at the Electric Owl on Wednesday! If you're feeling like an arena show Hollerado is in town with Billy Talent at Pacific Coliseum on Thursday. Friday is the return of 41st and Home, w/ Facts, and Skye Wallace at St James Hall. And Saturday you can see Young Pacific at the Electric Owl with The Farewell Folk.

Check out VIAindie's Facebook page for more images from This Week In Music! 


For more photos from Rain City Chronicles' "Fame & Fortune" - click here!!!



This week's bonus video comes to you from The Belle Game! The band released this last week and it's aweeeesome. Check it out, and you can get the single by clicking here, OR wait for the full album out April 16th!