Considered one of the world's most influential living Japanese artists, Takashi Murakami's iconic work is beloved around the globe. Now a retrospective of his work will be featured for the first time in Canada in early 2018 at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
The exhibit is called Takashi Murakami: The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg, and it's a significant retrospective showcasing the artist's paintings.
From the Vancouver Art Gallery:
"From his early works to new, never-before-seen paintings and selected sculptures from different periods, the more than fifty works in this exhibition reflect Murakami’s exquisite level of craft, his insightful engagement with history and the consistent, universal themes that have guided his practice over the past three decades."
Known for his foray into multiple mediums, and his crossing between "high" and "low" arts and his "superflat" theory of art, Murakami's work and themes run the gamut from anime and manga to hip hop, drug culture, and fashion.
The Murakami exhibition will run at the Vancouver Art Gallery from February 3 to May 6, 2018, with a gala pre-opening event taking place February 2.