For the last year, Virginie Lamarche and Bastien Desfriches Doria (otherwise known as VNB Photo) have been posting their photography projects on the blog here. Champions of analogue, they started with their Vancouver Creatives project in which they shot launched with the hope of bringing you closer to some of the best artistic and entrepreneurial talents to be found in Vancouver. They succeeded, then they teamed up with the Vancouver Biennale to shoot and showcase all of the artists in their 2014-2016 stable. All the while they've been doing analogue photo booths around the city capturing moments on film, keeping the near-lost art of film photography alive while producing incredibly high quality images in a classic style.
Hat designer Claudia Schulz, artist Ken Lum, architect Joe Wai
I spent some time with this sweet couple this week as I've been honoured to be on the jury of their second Vancouver Creatives project which is launching soon (follow their posts HERE). They're shooting all 10 of the jurors and when they were done with me I asked if I might take their "portrait", and made sure to stress that I was using the term loosely as I just shot this quickie on my phone. Their process involves setting up this insane rig, loading each frame they shoot with a special 8x10 slide, then taking it all home to their darkroom where they process it and print it themselves. The result are some incredibly detailed and moody images (8x10 inch negatives!), and I feel fortunate that they decided to shoot the jury as well as the people we select.
So here they are! Bastien and Virginie, the two awesome humans behind those moody, classic photos you keep seeing here. Watch for more of their work in the coming months and years, here and elsewhere.