Kelly Litzenberger is an Art Director, Editor, Photographer and Vancouver creative you can see roaming around town with a skateboard, bike or set of golf clubs. Primarily self-taught in the ins and outs of editorial design, Kelly has pushed Concrete magazine to higher levels of quality and style. He's also one of V.I.A.'s original contributors and has helped make the site Awesome.
The Proof
1. The home office is surrounded by inspiring books and skateboards. Above the computer rests a signed Natas board, and a re-issue of the first board I ever bought, the Powell Ray Barbee Ragdoll. To the right, board designs by the great Andy Jenkins and Evan Hecox.
2. During the 9-5, I'm at Concrete Skateboarding office in Richmond. There's an ongoing bet to see if anyone is willing to swim across the Fraser in front of the office. The only one out there from time to time is a lone seal.
3. At the Concrete office we're lucky enough to have a foosball table in the room. I run this table, except for when Chris Haslam comes to town. Not only is he one of the best skateboarders, but he's gifted in everything he tries.
4. I f'ing love music. (Almost) Every kind of it. Everybody should. Within 6 months there will probably be over 15,000 songs in my library...
5. My golf clubs and my golf pass. Buy the 20 round card and you end up paying $9 a round instead of $12. Heart stamps is for Queen Elizabeth, diamonds are for Stanley Park. Clearly, I need to go to Stanley Park and Rupert more often.
6. At the end of the work day, I have a serious case of 'computer legs', so there's often a need to go for a roll. It's the best way to hit the neighbourhood for eats.
7. My 'no-longer-a-secret' stash of Polaroids. Like everybody, I wish I had the foresight to buy more Polaroid film before it went extinct. I have 6 packs left: one pack of spectra instant film, and 5 packs of 80-series instant film for my Holga-Polaroid holder. All of my remaining packs have an expiry date of 2006.
8. The greatest film ever made, RAD, has never been issued on DVD. If I could, I would pay to restore the original film to pristine HD glory. Until then, I have to settle for my dual sided Laserdisc. The laserdisc player actually has to be unplugged when not in use, because it block out my wireless internet signal. Technology at it's finest.
The Questions
What neighborhood do you live in?
I live somewhere between the plush Shaughnessy, and Mount Pleasant neighbourhoods. Oak St isn't isn't defined by a label.
What do you do and where?
I'm the Editor and Art Director of Concrete Skateboarding Magazine. Most people still call it Concrete Powder. Regardless of that, I'm lucky enough to work with the talented photographer Brian Caissie, and Associate Editor Frank Daniello on a day to day basis.
What are you working on?
That's a good question... What am I working on...? It all blurs together sometimes. At the moment we're finishing up the 2009 Photo Annual at the office. Besides that, I'm just excited to be going to see my family for Thanksgiving this year back in Saskatchewan. So, maybe photos with the folks.
Where can we find your work?
7 times a year you can find my work in Concrete, which is distributed free to every skateboard shop across Canada. You can also find some of my photos at Push.
Which websites would you like mentioned?
Someday I'll update my website . As for now, you just have to wait and stare at my photo of Cut Copy, from the Richards on Richards show last year. You can also check out skate news at