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U-Tern makes URB Next 100 list

From Nina Mendoza : Vancouver DJ/producer U-TERN has made the URB magazine Next 100 list joining fellowing Vancity music heads NO LUCK CLUB , JOSH MARTINEZ (and others who I cant recall at this time) in Next 100 alumni.

From Nina Mendoza: Vancouver DJ/producer U-TERN has made the URB magazine Next 100 list joining fellowing Vancity music heads NO LUCK CLUB, JOSH MARTINEZ (and others who I cant recall at this time) in Next 100 alumni.


U-Tern, Ms Ubiquitous herself & are playing with resident Julian Chow this Sunday, May 10 at SHINE @

STAY HOME SUNDAYS playing "nu-disco, funk & indie dance"

U-Tern Brooklyn Radio One Day Later set

U-Tern Britney Spears 'If You Seek Amy' remix
