While we here at V.I.A. are all about harvesting the free blackberries and figs that grow wild around these parts, some of you might have the opposite problem that we do - that you have too much fruit and no way to get rid of it. I recently found out about this super cool organization called The Vancouver Fruit Tree Project that's dedicated to harvesting and sharing fresh local fruit in Vancouver. They harvest fruit and nuts from trees in Vancouver that would otherwise go to waste and distribute it to community partners including daycares, community kitchens, seniors’ centres, and more. They've been around since 1999 and have shared over 25,000 pounds of fruit! Literally TONS!
If you've got a tree that bears fruit or nuts you can contact The Vancouver Fruit Tree Project and they'll come and pick it and get it to folks who need it. Click HERE to learn more about em and HERE to follow them on Twitter.