A new YouTube channel created by two young Richmondites is introducing other Chinese immigrants and students to local lifestyles and the latest government policies.
"When we arrived in Canada many years ago, we had to figure out things by ourselves," said Vivian Li, who teamed up with her friend Zoe Wong to start a Youtube channel in April 2019.
"So it was an exciting thing for me and Zoe to make videos to help recent arrivers from China stay informed about what's happening in the local community. Hopefully, these videos will help them make a smooth transition to their new life here."
We hope people love our personality
The pair’s VanTopics account doesn’t have a huge following at this point – just over 270. But the number is growing daily.
And Li and Wong still enjoy sitting in front of the computer, almost every night, to edit videos.
"We might not be as good-looking as other YouTubers, and we don't expect to make a splendid career on YouTube. But we hope our outgoing personalities could bring a little joy to our audiences," said Li.
Li and Wong shoot two videos each week on topics ranging from first-time homebuyer-incentive programs to extended health care benefits to Canada team building events.
"Our videos won't be over 10 minutes. The challenge we face now is to explain all these issues within a limited time," said Li.
In addition to their video, they regularly update their blog to add the content that can't fit into the video.
Setting up a YouTube channel wasn’t a spontaneous decision; they’d been planning it for years.
Helping more international students explore the local system
Born in Hong Kong, Wong immigrated to Canada in 2008 to pursue her studies at the University of Alberta. After earning her bachelor's degree, she moved to Vancouver in 2012 where she meets Li. They became roommates and besties.
Different from Wong's journey, Li immigrated to Vancouver from China with her family when she was only 8-year-old.
"For students who have arrived in Canada at an early age, we found it takes them a long time to navigate the local system, especially when they are away from their old social network," said Li.
"Some international students couldn't even tell the difference between Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. It isn't their fault; they just need more help and guidance."
After realizing there is a need to provide more resources for international students, VanTopics was founded in April this year.
Use videos to raise environmental awareness
One of the pair’s videos posted to YouTube on Aug. 15 shows Li and Wong participating in the Triangle Beach Cleanup in Richmond.
They removed tons of garbage from the shoreline in the pouring rain. Li said she works at a restorations company, which tries to help the environment. Her company signed up with a national conservation program titled "Shoreline Cleanup" to help "restore" the shorelines, and she thought this could be a good YouTube video idea.
"Zoe and I are passionate about all marine animal protection. We hope to use this opportunity to let more people understand the importance of making our environment a cleaner and better place. After all, we only have one earth," said Wong.
For Wong and Li, being YouTubers is a labour of love. They spend long hours working on their videos, after coming home from busy work days.
"A 10-minute video usually takes us hours to make, including shooting the clip and adding transitions to them," explained Wong.
"But whenever we read comments below the video, we feel the efforts and hard work is paid off."