Not only does the Cookshop at City Square have one of the best selections of cookware, knives, and gadgets, they also offer really fun cooking courses. Sue Choy and I recently attended one put on by Dan Rocha who served us the best BBQ ever! It's alot like cooking class in high school except I didn't get yelled at....then again...I didn't put a box of detergent in the dishwasher either.
Some of the courses involve participation, but we always take the ones where we just sit back and watch, pick up a few tips and then eat! Sue and I have found that cooking together just pulls us apart, but eating, somehow brings us together, so it's great the offer courses where we do nothing. In three hours, Dan prepared pizza on the grill, cedar plank salmon, grilled chicken w. avacado and mango salsa, grilled stonefruit w. mascarpone, and the best burgers ever, they had cheese on the inside....some serious engineering went into these burgers.
There are a ton of different courses at the cookshop, and the best part is that for July and August it's two for one! Here's the calendar, I've got my eye on the 'best burger' one....I bet you I'm not the only one.....I'm talking to you Bob K...
Dan....flippin' burgers....