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Over a year after a devastating fire, this Vancouver restaurant will reopen in a new location

Nirvana restaurant was forced to close in 2022 but now they have a new space to call home

It's been over a year since Nirvana restaurant was forced to close after a devastating fire caused extensive damage to its location at 2313 Main St.

Now the Indian restaurant has completed renovations at its new location at 6482 Victoria Dr and officially re-opened on Oct. 28. 

The July 31, 2022 fire at Nirvana's Main St restaurant was attributed to an oil stove catching fire, according to Vancouver Fire Rescue Service, who spoke with V.I.A. in the aftermath of the blaze. 

For several months, it remained unclear if Nirvana would be pursuing repairs to its original space, however, by this spring, it seemed the location would not be housing the Indian restaurant again.

Recently, Nirvana re-emerged on social media, announcing it was re-opening at its new address.

The space had last been a brunch concept called Grillzilla Bistro, however, before that, the address was the longtime home of Chinese-Canadian diner Victoria Restaurant, which closed in 2019 after over 40 years in business.

V.I.A. has reached out to Nirvana to learn more about the new location and what diners can expect from the menu and space.

Follow Nirvana via @nirvanaonvictoria on Instagram.