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Hy's Steakhouse Then & Now Caption Contest

We've partnered with our sponsor Hy’s Steakhouse to host a Then & Now Caption Contest to help celebrate their awesome history in our city.

We've partnered with our sponsor Hy’s Steakhouse to host a Then & Now Caption Contest to help celebrate their awesome history in our city.

The Hystory

Hy’s is one of the oldest, most respected steakhouses around – having opened their first Vancouver location in 1960 in the West End. A couple of years later they would open their Hy’s Encore Location downtown which remains at the same location today with much of the original Arthur Fishman decor. And that’s exactly what makes Hy’s so special. Despite how much has changed over the years, Hy’s has remained true to its original steakhouse experience - making them truly timeless.

Then & Now Contest

To participate, all you have to do is look at the image below and create your very own Then & Now speech bubble caption. Simply click HERE to share with us for your chance to win a gift certificate for two to dine at Hy’s or the grand prize feast, a $1000 gift card.

Need some inspiration? Check out the Then & Now gallery. And good luck!