We've partnered with our sponsor Hy’s Steakhouse to help celebrate their 5-decades of unbeatable steak by hosting a Then & Now Caption Contest.
Hy’s knows Steak
When it comes to finding an awesome steak in Vancouver, Hy’s is definitely the place to go. That’s because they’ve been cooking it the original way for more than 50 years. That means only using the top 1% of prime beef in the country, dry-aging it for 28 days, and then cooking it to order on their flame grill. It’s the way they’ve always done it, and the way they always will. No fads. No passing trends. Just good, old-fashioned steak the way it was meant to be. Which is just one more reason that Hy’s remains so timeless.
Then & Now Contest
To participate, all you have to do is look at the image below and create your very own Then & Now speech bubble caption.
For your chance to win a gift certificate for two to dine at Hy’s or the grand prize feast, a $1000 gift card, simply click HERE.