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#TweetToEat - It's Back!

It's me, Amy and I'm back with more #TweetToEat goodness! Did you miss me? Back in April I decided to take on a social experiment. For two solid weeks, I would not eat anything unless it was donated to me by the generosity of people from twitter.

It's me, Amy and I'm back with more #TweetToEat goodness! Did you miss me?

Back in April I decided to take on a social experiment. For two solid weeks, I would not eat anything unless it was donated to me by the generosity of people from twitter. I learned a lot about others, made some deep connections with new and old friends and learned to value the importance of sharing food with other people. At the end of the experiment, I donated the money I would have spent on groceries to Save On Meats sandwich tokens (and also donated $100 to the cause, which ended up purchasing sandwiches for about 154 people!) The experiment went really well, so well in fact that I have decided to do it again with a few changes this time.


How Does it Work?

This time around, it's all about sharing food. You tweet me (@VancityAmy, #TweetToEat), and I reply. We coordinate a time for me to come over to your house. You make a dish that you love, I bring a dish that I love and that's THAT!

What's the point?

The point of #TweetToEat this time around, is to showcase the brave and generous people we have in our city. To show that opening your home and your heart up to someone new, while scary can be incredibly rewarding. I want to showcase great individuals from all walks of life. Show a new perspective on our city and who we are. We are not a city of stuck up people who refuse to talk to one another. We are kind, giving people, who have a passion for others and want to meet new people and do new things.

My first #TweetToEat with: Billie Kell

I was lucky enough to sit down to dinner with a woman who you cannot really introduce, you must experience her. A woman who commands attention the moment she walks in a room and will make you feel at home in under a minute. What a great way to kick off my first day back at #TweetToEat.

I actually met Billie about two years ago. My friend Laura and I decided to take a local walking tour and Billie was visiting from England. We were instant friends and kept in touch over Facebook. She has since packed up her entire life and moved over to Vancouver, BC as it had been a dream of hers. She did whatever it took to make her dream a reality. Billie saw my post about #TweetToEat and instantly wanted to participate. She tweeted me and her and her partner, Mark invited me over for homemade pizza (and I brought a kale salad).

Billie has some serious kitchen skills. We had some incredible homemade pizza, that was truly to die for and a glass or two of Blasted Church Wine! It was a good night. Lots of laughs and lots of inspirational talks about working hard and going after what we want in this world.

Billie is in the business of helping herself and helping others. She describes herself as a "Maverick entrepreneur, Innovator, Polymath, Huff Blogger, Making shit happen". I love it. She offers coaching to help others get where they need to be (among other things) and is one of the most inspiring people I've met. She chose to participate in #TweetToEat as she liked the message about giving back to the community and she is truly all about spreading good vibes.

Learn more about Billie on her website or on twitter @ki_resolutions and find out about her lovely man, Marc right here.

Do you want to participate in #TweetToEat? Send me a tweet @VancityAmy with hashtag #TweetToEat. I look forward to meeting you soon!