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Cycling Vancouver: Tips for riding your bike along West Waterfront Road

What you should know about this route that connects Gastown to Coal Harbour and offers some scenic views

West Waterfront Road crosses east-west between the northern end of Main Street and Coal Harbour.

When travelling from the Gastown area, I usually access West Waterfront Road via Alexander Street.

Turning north onto Main, Main will curl around on an incline and become W. Waterfront Road.

West Waterfront Road will then travel west by Crab Park and Spray Park. On the south side of the street, there is an excellent view of the trains and downtown.  

Take note: West Waterfront Road is very wide, and generally the only vehicles using it are commercial ones.  

The road crosses under Canada Place and its loading areas. It is quite dark under Canada Place and I would recommend turning on your rear lights. Caution is recommended, especially if you are wearing darker clothing.

The street exits between Thurlow and Burrard on West Cordova. This is one of my favourite shortcuts when traversing this part of the city; it gives full access to the northwest portion of downtown (Coal Harbour/Stanley Park) as well as to the northeastern portion of Vancouver (and bike routes such as Alexander and Union streets).

Brian Lim likes to ride bikes (sometimes with his camera). He's a complete and consummate amateur - both in cycling and in photography, and says he doesn't take himself seriously - and neither should you. Lim wants to share his love of cycling, so please reach out if you want to talk! You'll find him on Instagram at @wheelsandwhisky.