10 Forgotten Facts About Vancouver
By Vancouver Is Awesome
How much do you think you know about your fine city? While historical facts and even the city's role in popular culture may be common knowledge, other pieces of information are often forgotten.
How Squirrelly
By Vancouver Is Awesome
You know those fluffy little grey guys that clammer up trees? They all descended from 8 pairs of squirrels given to the city by New York in 1909.
Initiators of the Occupy Movements
By Vancouver Is Awesome
OWS, and other Occupy movements that sprung up around the world following the September 2011 news headliner, were originally initiated by the Vancouver-based, anti-consumerist magazine, Adbusters.
A Freeway-Free Downtown Core
By Vancouver Is Awesome
Although it may seem obvious to Vancouverites, the lack of freeways running through and around the city's downtown core is actually a feature that's rather unique to our West Coast metropolis.
Bob Geldolf and The Georgia Straight
By Vancouver Is Awesome
Bob Geldolf (former lead vocalist of the Boomtown Rats) was a writer (and editor) for the Vancouver published newspaper, The Georgia Straight in the 1970s, prior to his success as a musician.
Vancouver-Based Doctors Invented Botox
By Vancouver Is Awesome
The husband and wife duo of Dr. Alastair and Jean Carruthers may have invented botox, but failed to obtain a patent for what went on to become the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world.
Always Buzzing Like Neon
By Vancouver Is Awesome
Neon signs are definitely a notable part of the Vancouver urban landscape. In fact, next to Shanghai, Vancouver has the highest number of neon signs per capita.
Infinite Islands
By Vancouver Is Awesome
We all love the Gulf Islands. But did you know that there are over 40,000 islands in BC?
Lord Stanley in Vancouver
By Vancouver Is Awesome
Though the Stanley Cup has slipped out of the Canucks' hands a few too many times, the Vancouver Millionaires won BC's first Stanley Cup in 1915.
Found Fountain
By Vancouver Is Awesome
Lost Lagoon's fountain is hard to miss. But did you know that the fountain in the middle of it was purchased from the 1936 Chicago World Fair?
Shared Glory
By Vancouver Is Awesome
1886 was a big year. Not only was Vancouver incorporated, but the automobile was invented the same year and so was Coca-Cola. Now that's a birthday to celebrate.