We love sifting through the incredible photo collection at the Vancouver Archives. This week’s finds include the legendary Asahi baseball team and Mayor L.D. Taylor having a ball.
1. Mayor L.D. Taylor playing baseball, 1915
Mayor Taylor playing baseball. Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 1477-222
2. Northern aerial view showing False Creek, Downtown and North Vancouver, 1957
Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 296-037
3. Fireman training, 1923
Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 1504-11
4. The YMCA building at 149 West Hastings, 1890
Vancouver Archives Item: Bu P118
5. Interior of the Stettler Cigar Factory at 418 West Georgia Street, 1917
Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 1376-337
6. East Hastings and Clark, 1932
Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 20-56
7. Interior of the Balmoral Saloon bar on West Cordova Street, 1904
Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 677-166
8. The Court House and the second Hotel Vancouver, ca. 1920
Hotel Vancouver and City Hall. Photo: Vancouver Archives Item: CVA 371-884.
9. Nurses on lawn in front of the Vancouver City Hospital, 1902
Vancouver Heritage Fdn: Bu P369
10. Vancouver's Asahi baseball team, ca. 1940
Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story (Film).