Justin of 'Justin's Massage' posters fame got back to me after I sent him a message earlier this afternoon.
If you're just arriving, these posters have been popping up all over town over the past week, leaving people slightly baffled. Is this real? Is it a hoax?
I can assure you it is real.
Justin’s Massage poster on the corner of Cambie and 19th Avenue (V.I.A.)
Justin Brokop told me over the phone that he's not a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), but he does work in acupressure, as well as psychic-downloads and channelling.
The idea for his posters was sparked as he was having coffee at Elysian and saw someone postering a nearby telephone pole. After a conversation with that person he decided to put some money together and pay for a campaign, to advertise his business around town.
The poster you've probably seen by now was whipped up in 5 minutes in MS Word, by Justin himself. He tells me it "wasn't intentional" for it to be unorthodox, but that he's been overwhelmed with the response he's got from it.
Justin! Of Justin’s Massage.
He's received a ton of txt messages, as well as voicemails, and has booked a number of clients for 90 minute sessions; $180 per session.
His previous work was in counselling, and over the past year he made the transition to the body work he's doing now.
Some appointments are at his house, others are at a clinic near Renfrew and Hastings.
You can learn more at massagebyjustin.squarespace.com. Or just txt him.