One of the checkout stations at the BC Cannabis Store in Kamloops. Photo Bob Kronbauer
There have been a few bumps in the road since cannabis was made legal in Canada this week. Some more amusing than others.
The Ontario Cannabis Store mislabeled genital spray as an oral product.
A few illegal stores have been raided by police, and retailers are wondering who might be next.
We took you on a photo and video tour inside B.C.'s only legal cannabis shop earlier this week, and for a hot minute it looked like we might see a weed shortage.
The BC Liquor Distribution Branch, which is operating the BC Cannabis Store online and in Kamloops, has assured the public that a critical shortage will not happen and that they will continue to be able to meet the demand.
Today they released the numbers of transactions for the first two days of them being your new weed dealer.
A total of 13,064 individual sales have occurred in two days. 11,738 of those online and 1,326 at the BC Cannabis Store.
As expected, they did a lot more sales on opening day than on the following one.
October 18:
2,563 Transactions Online
521 at the BCCS in Kamloops
3,084 TOTAL
October 17:
9,175 Transactions Online
805 at the BCCS in Kamloops
9,980 TOTAL