Anybody home? Photo Christine McAvoy
The B.C. Government issued a released today reminding people that not only is it totally rude to leave your stuff in an unattended campground to "reserve" it for a couple days; it's also illegal.
You'll see it in most forestry campsites on a Thursday afternoon before a long weekend. Typically it's two folding chairs and a single tent, with no vehicle, that someone set up early in order to make sure nobody gets their spot.
It's lame. You know it, I know it, and now the government is now telling us that they know it and they're having none of it.
Their notice isn't just putting you on notice, but letting you know that if you leave your stuff for 24 hours they're going to take it.
Here's the entire release:
There is nothing like enjoying the May long weekend in the great outdoors.
To provide everyone with the same opportunity, the Province of British Columbia reminds campers that it is unlawful to park unattended vehicles, trailers or tents to save a free campsite.
Free campsites are available on a first-come basis. Personal property that has been left unattended for 24 hours will now be removed at the owner’s expense, in order to provide fair and equal access to the camping opportunities on recreation sites.
The Forest and Range Practices Act section 20 (1)(c) states that people should not leave personal property on a campsite unless the person is camping.
In the past, signs posted within campsites and warning letters left on unattended property have not deterred campers in the Campbell River, Courtney and Comox areas from leaving personal property to claim a campsite leading up to the busy weekends.
Affected campsites include Big Bay, Fry Lake, Fry Trestle, Brewster Camp, Camp Five, Apple Point, Twin Lake, Pye Beach, Stella North, Stella Beach and Elk Bay.
Reservations for BC Parks campsites can be made by phone at 1 800 689-09025, or online at: