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Whose job is it to clean up after car accidents in Vancouver? It's complicated

No one specific person or group is responsible.
In Vancouver, B.C., clearing the roads after a car accident is a joint effort and no one group is responsible.

Asking who's responsible for cleaning the roads after a car accident looks a lot like the Spiderman meme where they're all pointing at each other.

According to the City of Vancouver, it's the joint responsibility of the Vancouver Fire Rescue Service and the Vancouver Police Department with support from sanitation upon request. However, the VPD only attends serious accident scenes that involve significant property damage or injuries.

"Our investigators may collect evidence if conducting a criminal investigation, or arrange to have vehicles towed," the VPD's Sgt. Steve Addison tells Vancouver Is Awesome.

Addison adds that "VFRS often helps sweep or mop up debris such as glass or vehicle fluids" and that from time to time they ask for help from the city if there is significant debris or road hazards.

"VFRS's primary role is scene/vehicle stabilization, patient care, and assisting BCAS," says fire department spokesperson Matthew Trudeau. "We don’t have an official capacity to clean city streets from car accidents. When able, we will help move the debris to the side of the street and contain vehicle fuels but don’t remove debris."

Buster's Towing is contracted by the city to remove the vehicles and VFRS reports that the company often cleans up and brings car parts with them.

What to do if you spot debris on the roads

In the case of one Vancouverite who spotted a license plate and other accident remnants on a city street, she tweeted the City of Vancouver, who, in turn, alerted sanitation.

 However, the city suggests that residents call 311 to report debris that needs to be cleared from the streets or sidewalks.

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